Rainbows and Raindrops

Ages from 2 to 3 years old

Through wide and varied continuous provision (play areas) our two year olds still enjoy a mainly free flowing environment with an introduction to a slightly more structured routine. The children spend quality time working together on important skills through games and activities with their key person and their peers at group times. A lot of songs, rhymes and stories support the learning that takes place here. Being messy also comes naturally as the children investigate the materials and equipment available to them with enhanced provision being provided to encourage their developmental progress and particular interests. A caring adult is always there to offer help and guidance as independence is encouraged through task such as hand washing, food choices, potty training and dressing (e.g. socks/shoes on and off). The children are offered opportunities tostart making choices about their play in the environment using visual routines to support this. There are many occasions for repetition so that little minds have the chance to practice skills over and over again, learning, exploring and discovering as they do. New challenges are also frequently available for those children looking for unique, fun experiences.

Outdoor Areas

At Tik Tok each age range around the nursery has their own garden area.  This allows the children to play safely with children of their own age.  The staff and children can then work together to develop these areas to best meet the needs of the children using that area.

We have regular times throughout the day available for outdoor play, but if the weather isn’t the best for the children to enjoy at their normal times, then we adapt the routine to ensure that there is at least a daily opportunity to play outside.

Support from parents with appropriate clothing means that sometimes we can get out in all weathers unless this proves too hazardous for the children.  Hats, scarves and gloves with a warm coat ensure the children can explore outside in the colder weather, with wellies as an extra bonus for splashing in puddles.  We provide waterproofs at nursery so that the children can still get outside in the wet weather, with sun cream and a sun hat in the summer provided to protect the children from the sun.

We try to ensure that our outdoor areas mirror some of the activities indoors so that the children have more choices to make alongside the opportunity for more physical play, taking advantage of the fresh air and space. Bikes, balls and climbing are examples of typical activities available outdoors while further opportunities for investigation of their world are also possible.  For example, finding creatures and bugs, or watching how the trees and plants around us change throughout the seasons.


Why Choose Us

Situated in the heart of Gateshead, opposite Gateshead International Stadium, TIK-TOK is a non-profit making children’s nursery.

Our philosophy is to promote an environment of high quality childcare in close partnership with parents. We enable children in our care to reach their full potential in an exciting, stimulating and educational atmosphere that is geared to each child’s developmental and specific needs.

We encourage the involvement of our parents through the Friends of TIK-TOK, a parent group which meets on a regular basis to discuss nursery policy and arrange fund raising activities and social events. All parents are invited to be part of this group.

We believe our staff to be our greatest asset.

As a company limited by guarantee, TOK-TOK currently has six Directors who take a keen interest in the developments and progress of nursery life. As trustees their role is to formulate nursery policy and oversee activities required by charity law.

Our fees are set to cover both our operating costs and investment in the purchase of equipment. We operate not for profit. There are no shareholders seeking to take money out of TIK-TOK.