Rainbows and Raindrops
Ages from 2 to 3 years old
Through wide and varied continuous provision (play areas) our two year olds still enjoy a mainly free flowing environment with an introduction to a slightly more structured routine. The children spend quality time working together on important skills through games and activities with their key person and their peers at group times. A lot of songs, rhymes and stories support the learning that takes place here. Being messy also comes naturally as the children investigate the materials and equipment available to them with enhanced provision being provided to encourage their developmental progress and particular interests. A caring adult is always there to offer help and guidance as independence is encouraged through task such as hand washing, food choices, potty training and dressing (e.g. socks/shoes on and off). The children are offered opportunities tostart making choices about their play in the environment using visual routines to support this. There are many occasions for repetition so that little minds have the chance to practice skills over and over again, learning, exploring and discovering as they do. New challenges are also frequently available for those children looking for unique, fun experiences.